No. 11
Design Concept
I made this poster thinking of this year’s Chinese Zodiac sign, a tiger - beautiful and powerful animal. My choice of the topic is based on an aspiration to build a symbolic bridge between cultures of East and West. I hope it will remind the humanity of our job to save the natural diversity on our planet and treat every living and feeling thing in our world as an equal.
Zlata Ulitina (Russia)
My name is Zlata Ulitina, I’m Moscow-based artist and illustrator, but I consider myself as a cosmopolitan. I’m 22 y.o., and I study illustration in British Higher School of Art & Design and Philosophy in RSUH. My posters and paintings were exhibited quite a lot throughout Russia and abroad. I also work as a ceramist in inclusive workshop, so building bridge is literally my job! I want our world to become better, kinder place for all living things, and I hope my art is helping it one way or another.